Word Scramble Game Point Values for S H O R T N E S S
Here are the point values for each letter in shortness for the two most popular word scramble games - Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Scrabble Point Values
These are the values for each letter/tile in Scrabble and Scrabble Go. The letters shortness combine for a total of 18 points (not including bonus squares).
- S 1
- H 4
- O 1
- R 5
- T 3
- N 1
- E 1
- S 1
- S 1
Words With Friends Point Values
These are the values for each letter/tile for shortness in Words With Friends and Words With Friends 2. These letters are worth a total of 12 points (not including bonus squares)
- S 1
- H 3
- O 1
- R 1
- T 1
- N 2
- E 1
- S 1
- S 1
How Many Words Can Be Unscrambled From SHORTNESS?
Now that you have successfully unscrambled SHORTNESS, what now? Simple, Our Word Unscrambler found 872 playable words ready to be used in several word games!
All of the words that you unscrambled using the letters shortness can be used in Scrabble, Scrabble Go and Words With Friends!
Fact about shortness
- SHORTNESS has 1 Exact anagrams and 872 partial anagrams.
- SHORTNESS is 9 letters long
- SHORTNESS starts with S
- SHORTNESS Ends with S
Definition of shortness mean when you unscramble it?
shortness unscrambles into many words! Here is the definition of one of those unscrambled words.
Meanings of short
- Not prolonged, or relatively less prolonged, in utterance; -- opposed to long, and applied to vowels or to syllables. In English, the long and short of the same letter are not, in most cases, the long and short of the same sound; thus, the i in ill is the short sound, not of i in isle, but of ee in eel, and the e in pet is the short sound of a in pate, etc. See Quantity, and Guide to Pronunciation, //22, 30.
- In a short manner; briefly; limitedly; abruptly; quickly; as, to stop short in one's course; to turn short.
- A summary account.
- The part of milled grain sifted out which is next finer than the bran.
- Short, inferior hemp.
- Breeches; shortclothes.
- A short sound, syllable, or vowel.
- Not long; having brief length or linear extension; as, a short distance; a short piece of timber; a short flight.
- Not extended in time; having very limited duration; not protracted; as, short breath.
- Limited in quantity; inadequate; insufficient; scanty; as, a short supply of provisions, or of water.
- Insufficiently provided; inadequately supplied; scantily furnished; lacking; not coming up to a resonable, or the ordinary, standard; -- usually with of; as, to be short of money.
- Deficient; defective; imperfect; not coming up, as to a measure or standard; as, an account which is short of the trith.
- Not distant in time; near at hand.
- Limited in intellectual power or grasp; not comprehensive; narrow; not tenacious, as memory.
- Less important, efficaceous, or powerful; not equal or equivalent; less (than); -- with of.
- Abrupt; brief; pointed; petulant; as, he gave a short answer to the question.
- Breaking or crumbling readily in the mouth; crisp; as, short pastry.
- Brittle.
- Engaging or engaged to deliver what is not possessed; as, short contracts; to be short of stock. See The shorts, under Short, n., and To sell short, under Short, adv.
- To fail; to decrease.
- To shorten.
- In a short or brief time or manner; soon; quickly.
- In few words; briefly; abruptly; curtly; as, to express ideas more shortly in verse than in prose.
- The quality or state of being short; want of reach or extension; brevity; deficiency; as, the shortness of a journey; the shortness of the days in winter; the shortness of an essay; the shortness of the memory; a shortness of provisions; shortness of breath.