Word Scramble Game Point Values for N I R I E L S F D E
Here are the point values for each letter in nirielsfde for the two most popular word scramble games - Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Scrabble Point Values
These are the values for each letter/tile in Scrabble and Scrabble Go. The letters nirielsfde combine for a total of 18 points (not including bonus squares).
- N 1
- I 1
- R 5
- I 1
- E 1
- L 1
- S 1
- F 4
- D 2
- E 1
Words With Friends Point Values
These are the values for each letter/tile for nirielsfde in Words With Friends and Words With Friends 2. These letters are worth a total of 16 points (not including bonus squares)
- N 2
- I 1
- R 1
- I 1
- E 1
- L 2
- S 1
- F 4
- D 2
- E 1
How Many Words Can Be Unscrambled From NIRIELSFDE?
Now that you have successfully unscrambled NIRIELSFDE, what now? Simple, Our Word Unscrambler found 1616 playable words ready to be used in several word games!
All of the words that you unscrambled using the letters nirielsfde can be used in Scrabble, Scrabble Go and Words With Friends!
Fact about nirielsfde
- NIRIELSFDE has 2 Exact anagrams and 1616 partial anagrams.
- NIRIELSFDE is 10 letters long
- NIRIELSFDE starts with N
- NIRIELSFDE Ends with E
Definition of nirielsfde mean when you unscramble it?
nirielsfde unscrambles into many words! Here is the definition of one of those unscrambled words.
Meanings of friend
- One who entertains for another such sentiments of esteem, respect, and affection that he seeks his society aud welfare; a wellwisher; an intimate associate; sometimes, an attendant.
- One not inimical or hostile; one not a foe or enemy; also, one of the same nation, party, kin, etc., whose friendly feelings may be assumed. The word is some times used as a term of friendly address.
- One who looks propitiously on a cause, an institution, a project, and the like; a favorer; a promoter; as, a friend to commerce, to poetry, to an institution.
- One of a religious sect characterized by disuse of outward rites and an ordained ministry, by simplicity of dress and speech, and esp. by opposition to war and a desire to live at peace with all men. They are popularly called Quakers.
- A paramour of either sex.
- To act as the friend of; to favor; to countenance; to befriend.
- Having friends;
- Inclined to love; well-disposed.
- of Friend
- Friendliness.
- of Friend
- Having the temper and disposition of a friend; disposed to promote the good of another; kind; favorable.
- Appropriate to, or implying, friendship; befitting friends; amicable.
- Not hostile; as, a friendly power or state.
- Promoting the good of any person; favorable; propitious; serviceable; as, a friendly breeze or gale.
- In the manner of friends; amicably; like friends.