Transcend(v. i.) To climb; to mount.
Transcend(v. i.) To be transcendent; to excel.
Transcend(v. t.) To rise above; to surmount; as, lights in the heavens transcending the region of the clouds.
Transcend(v. t.) To pass over; to go beyond; to exceed.
Transcend(v. t.) To surpass; to outgo; to excel; to exceed.
Transcended(imp. & p. p.) of Transcend
Transcendence() Alt. of Transcendency
Transcendency() The quality or state of being transcendent; superior excellence; supereminence.
Transcendency() Elevation above truth; exaggeration.
Transcendent(a.) Very excellent; superior or supreme in excellence; surpassing others; as, transcendent worth; transcendent valor.
Transcendent(a.) Transcending, or reaching beyond, the limits of human knowledge; -- applied to affirmations and speculations concerning what lies beyond the reach of the human intellect.
Transcendently(adv.) In a transcendent manner.
Transcendentness(n.) Same as Transcendence.
Transcending(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Transcend

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