Toward(adv.) Alt. of Towards
Toward(prep.) Approaching; coming near.
Toward(prep.) Readly to do or learn; compliant with duty; not froward; apt; docile; tractable; as, a toward youth.
Toward(prep.) Ready to act; forward; bold; valiant.
Toward(prep.) Alt. of Towards
Towardly(a.) Same as Toward, a., 2.
Towardness(n.) Quality or state of being toward.
Towards(adv.) Near; at hand; in state of preparation.
Towards(prep.) In the direction of; to.
Towards(prep.) With direction to, in a moral sense; with respect or reference to; regarding; concerning.
Towards(prep.) Tending to; in the direction of; in behalf of.
Towards(prep.) Near; about; approaching to.
Towards(prep. & adv.) See Toward.
Words within toward