Ruminal(a.) Ruminant; ruminating.
Ruminant(a.) Chewing the cud; characterized by chewing again what has been swallowed; of or pertaining to the Ruminantia.
Ruminant(n.) A ruminant animal; one of the Ruminantia.
Ruminantly(adv.) In a ruminant manner; by ruminating, or chewing the cud.
Ruminate(a.) Alt. of Ruminated
Ruminate(v. i.) To chew the cud; to chew again what has been slightly chewed and swallowed.
Ruminate(v. i.) To think again and again; to muse; to meditate; to ponder; to reflect.
Ruminate(v. t.) To chew over again.
Ruminate(v. t.) To meditate or ponder over; to muse on.
Ruminated(a.) Having a hard albumen penetrated by irregular channels filled with softer matter, as the nutmeg and the seeds of the North American papaw.
Ruminated(imp. & p. p.) of Ruminate
Ruminating(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ruminate
Rumination(n.) The act or process of ruminating, or chewing the cud; the habit of chewing the cud.
Rumination(n.) The state of being disposed to ruminate or ponder; deliberate meditation or reflection.
Rumination(n.) The regurgitation of food from the stomach after it has been swallowed, -- occasionally observed as a morbid phenomenon in man.
Ruminative(a.) Inclined to, or engaged in, rumination or meditation.
Ruminator(n.) One who ruminates or muses; a meditator.
Words within ruminates