Remittal(n.) A remitting; a giving up; surrender; as, the remittal of the first fruits.
Remittance(n.) The act of transmitting money, bills, or the like, esp. to a distant place, as in satisfaction of a demand, or in discharge of an obligation.
Remittance(n.) The sum or thing remitted.
Remittent(a.) Remitting; characterized by remission; having remissions.
Remitter(n.) One who remits.
Remitter(n.) One who pardons.
Remitter(n.) One who makes remittance.
Remitter(n.) The sending or placing back of a person to a title or right he had before; the restitution of one who obtains possession of property under a defective title, to his rights under some valid title by virtue of which he might legally have entered into possession only by suit.
Words within remittances