Pronounce(n.) Pronouncement; declaration; pronunciation.
Pronounce(v. i.) To give a pronunciation; to articulate; as, to pronounce faultlessly.
Pronounce(v. i.) To make declaration; to utter on opinion; to speak with confidence.
Pronounce(v. t.) To utter articulately; to speak out or distinctly; to utter, as words or syllables; to speak with the proper sound and accent as, adults rarely learn to pronounce a foreign language correctly.
Pronounce(v. t.) To utter officially or solemnly; to deliver, as a decree or sentence; as, to pronounce sentence of death.
Pronounce(v. t.) To speak or utter rhetorically; to deliver; to recite; as, to pronounce an oration.
Pronounce(v. t.) To declare or affirm; as, he pronounced the book to be a libel; he pronounced the act to be a fraud.
Pronounceable(a.) Capable of being pronounced.
Pronounced(a.) Strongly marked; unequivocal; decided. [A Gallicism]
Pronounced(imp. & p. p.) of Pronounce
Pronouncement(n.) The act of pronouncing; a declaration; a formal announcement.
Pronouncer(n.) One who pronounces, utters, or declares; also, a pronouncing book.
Pronouncing(a.) Pertaining to, or indicating, pronunciation; as, a pronouncing dictionary.
Words within pronounceable