Major(a.) Greater in number, quantity, or extent; as, the major part of the assembly; the major part of the revenue; the major part of the territory.
Major(a.) Of greater dignity; more important.
Major(a.) Of full legal age.
Major(a.) Greater by a semitone, either in interval or in difference of pitch from another tone.
Major(a.) An officer next in rank above a captain and next below a lieutenant colonel; the lowest field officer.
Major(a.) A person of full age.
Major(a.) That premise which contains the major term. It its the first proposition of a regular syllogism; as: No unholy person is qualified for happiness in heaven [the major]. Every man in his natural state is unholy [minor]. Therefore, no man in his natural state is qualified for happiness in heaven [conclusion or inference].
Major(a.) A mayor.
Majorate(a.) To augment; to increase.
Majorate(n.) The office or rank of a major.
Majoration(n.) Increase; enlargement.
Majorities(pl. ) of Majority
Majority(n.) The quality or condition of being major or greater; superiority.
Majority(n.) The military rank of a major.
Majority(n.) The condition of being of full age, or authorized by law to manage one's own affairs.
Majority(n.) The greater number; more than half; as, a majority of mankind; a majority of the votes cast.
Majority(n.) Ancestors; ancestry.
Majority(n.) The amount or number by which one aggregate exceeds all other aggregates with which it is contrasted; especially, the number by which the votes for a successful candidate exceed those for all other candidates; as, he is elected by a majority of five hundred votes. See Plurality.
Words within majorly