Intent(a.) Closely directed; strictly attentive; bent; -- said of the mind, thoughts, etc.; as, a mind intent on self-improvement.
Intent(a.) Having the mind closely directed to or bent on an object; sedulous; eager in pursuit of an object; -- formerly with to, but now with on; as, intent on business or pleasure.
Intent(n.) The act of turning the mind toward an object; hence, a design; a purpose; intention; meaning; drift; aim.
Intentation(n.) Intention.
Intention(n.) A stretching or bending of the mind toward of the mind toward an object; closeness of application; fixedness of attention; earnestness.
Intention(n.) A determination to act in a certain way or to do a certain thing; purpose; design; as, an intention to go to New York.
Intention(n.) The object toward which the thoughts are directed; end; aim.
Intention(n.) The state of being strained. See Intension.
Intention(n.) Any mental apprehension of an object.
Intentional(a.) Done by intention or design; intended; designed; as, the act was intentional, not accidental.
Intentionality(n.) The quality or state of being intentional; purpose; design.
Intentionally(adv.) In an intentional manner; with intention; by design; of purpose.
Intentioned(a.) Having designs; -- chiefly used in composition; as, well-intentioned, having good designs; ill-intentioned, having ill designs.
Intentive(n.) Attentive; intent.
Intentively(adv.) Attentively; closely.
Intentiveness(n.) Closeness of attention or application of mind; attentiveness.
Intently(adv.) In an intent manner; as, the eyes intently fixed.
Intentness(n.) The state or quality of being intent; close application; attention.

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