Intemperance(n.) The act of becoming, or state of being, intemperate; excess in any kind of action or indulgence; any immoderate indulgence of the appetites or passions.
Intemperance(n.) Specifically: Habitual or excessive indulgence in alcoholic liquors.
Intemperancy(n.) Intemperance.
Intemperant(a.) Intemperate.
Intemperate(a.) Indulging any appetite or passion to excess; immoderate to enjoyments or exertion.
Intemperate(a.) Specifically, addicted to an excessive or habitual use of alcoholic liquors.
Intemperate(a.) Excessive; ungovernable; inordinate; violent; immoderate; as, intemperate language, zeal, etc.; intemperate weather.
Intemperate(v. t.) To disorder.
Intemperately(adv.) In an intemperate manner; immoderately; excessively; without restraint.
Intemperateness(n.) The state of being intemperate; excessive indulgence of any appetite or passion; as, intemperateness in eating or drinking.
Intemperateness(n.) Severity of weather; inclemency.

Words within intemperably