Incur(v. i.) To pass; to enter.
Incur(v. t.) To meet or fall in with, as something inconvenient, harmful, or onerous; to put one's self in the way of; to expose one's self to; to become liable or subject to; to bring down upon one's self; to encounter; to contract; as, to incur debt, danger, displeasure/ penalty, responsibility, etc.
Incur(v. t.) To render liable or subject to; to occasion.
Incurability(n.) The state of being uncurable; irremediableness.
Incurable(a.) Not capable of being cured; beyond the power of skill or medicine to remedy; as, an incurable disease.
Incurable(a.) Not admitting or capable of remedy or correction; irremediable; remediless; as, incurable evils.
Incurable(n.) A person diseased beyond cure.
Incurableness(n.) The state of being incurable; incurability.
Incurably(adv.) In a manner that renders cure impracticable or impossible; irremediably.
Incurred(imp. & p. p.) of Incur
Incurring(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incur

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