Importunable(a.) Heavy; insupportable.
Importunate(a.) Troublesomely urgent; unreasonably solicitous; overpressing in request or demand; urgent; teasing; as, an impotunate petitioner, curiosity.
Importunate(a.) Hard to be borne; unendurable.
Importunator(n.) One who importunes; an importuner.
Importune(a.) To request or solicit, with urgency; to press with frequent, unreasonable, or troublesome application or pertinacity; hence, to tease; to irritate; to worry.
Importune(a.) To import; to signify.
Importune(v. i.) To require; to demand.
Importuned(imp. & p. p.) of Importune
Importunely(adv.) In an importune manner.
Importuner(n.) One who importunes.
Importuning(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Importune
Importunities(pl. ) of Importunity
Importunity(n.) The quality of being importunate; pressing or pertinacious solicitation; urgent request; incessant or frequent application; troublesome pertinacity.

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