Impersonal(a.) Not personal; not representing a person; not having personality.
Impersonal(n.) That which wants personality; specifically (Gram.), an impersonal verb.
Impersonality(n.) The quality of being impersonal; want or absence of personality.
Impersonally(adv.) In an impersonal manner.
Impersonate(v. t.) To invest with personality; to endow with the form of a living being.
Impersonate(v. t.) To ascribe the qualities of a person to; to personify.
Impersonate(v. t.) To assume, or to represent, the person or character of; to personate; as, he impersonated Macbeth.
Impersonated(imp. & p. p.) of Impersonate
Impersonating(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impersonate
Impersonation(n.) Alt. of Impersonification
Impersonator(n.) One who impersonates; an actor; a mimic.

Words within impersonations