Impeach(n.) Hindrance; impeachment.
Impeach(v. t.) To hinder; to impede; to prevent.
Impeach(v. t.) To charge with a crime or misdemeanor; to accuse; especially to charge (a public officer), before a competent tribunal, with misbehavior in office; to cite before a tribunal for judgement of official misconduct; to arraign; as, to impeach a judge. See Impeachment.
Impeach(v. t.) Hence, to charge with impropriety; to dishonor; to bring discredit on; to call in question; as, to impeach one's motives or conduct.
Impeach(v. t.) To challenge or discredit the credibility of, as of a witness, or the validity of, as of commercial paper.
Impeachable(a.) That may be impeached; liable to impeachment; chargeable with a crime.
Impeached(imp. & p. p.) of Impeach
Impeacher(n.) One who impeaches.
Impeaching(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impeach
Impeachment(n.) The act of impeaching, or the state of being impeached
Impeachment(n.) Hindrance; impediment; obstruction.
Impeachment(n.) A calling to account; arraignment; especially, of a public officer for maladministration.
Impeachment(n.) A calling in question as to purity of motives, rectitude of conduct, credibility, etc.; accusation; reproach; as, an impeachment of motives.

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