Impassable(a.) Incapable of being passed; not admitting a passage; as, an impassable road, mountain, or gulf.
Impassibility(a.) The quality or condition of being impassible; insusceptibility of injury from external things.
Impassible(a.) Incapable of suffering; inaccessible to harm or pain; not to be touched or moved to passion or sympathy; unfeeling, or not showing feeling; without sensation.
Impassibleness(n.) Impassibility.
Impassion(v.) To move or affect strongly with passion.
Impassioned(p. p. & a.) Actuated or characterized by passion or zeal; showing warmth of feeling; ardent; animated; excited; as, an impassioned orator or discourse.
Impassive(a.) Not susceptible of pain or suffering; apathetic; impassible; unmoved.
Impassivity(n.) The quality of being insusceptible of feeling, pain, or suffering; impassiveness.

Words within impassioning