Idol(n.) An image or representation of anything.
Idol(n.) An image of a divinity; a representation or symbol of a deity or any other being or thing, made or used as an object of worship; a similitude of a false god.
Idol(n.) That on which the affections are strongly (often excessively) set; an object of passionate devotion; a person or thing greatly loved or adored.
Idol(n.) A false notion or conception; a fallacy.
Idolism(n.) The worship of idols.
Idolize(v. i.) To practice idolatry.
Idolize(v. t.) To make an idol of; to pay idolatrous worship to; as, to idolize the sacred bull in Egypt.
Idolize(v. t.) To love to excess; to love or reverence to adoration; as, to idolize gold, children, a hero.
Idolized(imp. & p. p.) of Idolize
Idolizer(n.) One who idolizes or loves to the point of reverence; an idolater.
Idolizing(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Idolize
Idolous(a.) Idolatrous.

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