Explorable(a.) That may be explored; as, an explorable region.
Explorate(v. t.) To explore.
Exploration(n.) The act of exploring, penetrating, or ranging over for purposes of discovery, especially of geographical discovery; examination; as, the exploration of unknown countries
Exploration(n.) physical examination.
Explorative(a.) Exploratory.
Explorator(n.) One who explores; one who examines closely; a searcher.
Explore(v. t.) To seek for or after; to strive to attain by search; to look wisely and carefully for.
Explore(v. t.) To search through or into; to penetrate or range over for discovery; to examine thoroughly; as, to explore new countries or seas; to explore the depths of science.
Explored(imp. & p. p.) of Explore
Explorement(n.) The act of exploring; exploration.
Explorer(n.) One who explores; also, an apparatus with which one explores, as a diving bell.
Exploring(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Explore

Words within explorations