Emend(v. t.) To purge of faults; to make better; to correct; esp., to make corrections in (a literary work); to alter for the better by textual criticism, generally verbal.
Emendable(a.) Corrigible; amendable.
Emendately(adv.) Without fault; correctly.
Emendation(n.) The act of altering for the better, or correcting what is erroneous or faulty; correction; improvement.
Emendation(n.) Alteration by editorial criticism, as of a text so as to give a better reading; removal of errors or corruptions from a document; as, the book might be improved by judicious emendations.
Emendator(n.) One who emends or critically edits.
Emended(imp. & p. p.) of Emend
Emender(n.) One who emends.
Emendicate(v. t.) To beg.
Emending(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Emend
Words within emendators