Disclaim(v. t.) To renounce all claim to deny; ownership of, or responsibility for; to disown; to disavow; to reject.
Disclaim(v. t.) To deny, as a claim; to refuse.
Disclaim(v. t.) To relinquish or deny having a claim; to disavow another's claim; to decline accepting, as an estate, interest, or office.
Disclaim(v. t.) To disavow or renounce all part, claim, or share.
Disclaimed(imp. & p. p.) of Disclaim
Disclaimer(n.) One who disclaims, disowns, or renounces.
Disclaimer(n.) A denial, disavowal, or renunciation, as of a title, claim, interest, estate, or trust; relinquishment or waiver of an interest or estate.
Disclaimer(n.) A public disavowal, as of pretensions, claims, opinions, and the like.
Disclaiming(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Disclaim
Words within disclaimed