Dexter(a.) Pertaining to, or situated on, the right hand; right, as opposed to sinister, or left.
Dexter(a.) On the right-hand side of a shield, i. e., towards the right hand of its wearer. To a spectator in front, as in a pictorial representation, this would be the left side.
Dexterical(a.) Dexterous.
Dexterity(n.) Right-handedness.
Dexterity(n.) Readiness and grace in physical activity; skill and ease in using the hands; expertness in manual acts; as, dexterity with the chisel.
Dexterity(n.) Readiness in the use or control of the mental powers; quickness and skill in managing any complicated or difficult affair; adroitness.
Dexterous(a.) Ready and expert in the use of the body and limbs; skillful and active with the hands; handy; ready; as, a dexterous hand; a dexterous workman.
Dexterous(a.) Skillful in contrivance; quick at inventing expedients; expert; as, a dexterous manager.
Dexterous(a.) Done with dexterity; skillful; artful; as, dexterous management.
Dexterously(adv.) In a dexterous manner; skillfully.
Dexterousness(n.) The quality of being dexterous; dexterity.
Words within dexterousnesses