Detest(v. t.) To witness against; to denounce; to condemn.
Detest(v. t.) To hate intensely; to abhor; to abominate; to loathe; as, we detest what is contemptible or evil.
Detestability(n.) Capacity of being odious.
Detestable(a.) Worthy of being detested; abominable; extremely hateful; very odious; deserving abhorrence; as, detestable vices.
Detestableness(n.) The quality or state of being detestable.
Detestably(adv.) In a detestable manner.
Detestation(n.) The act of detesting; extreme hatred or dislike; abhorrence; loathing.
Detested(imp. & p. p.) of Detest
Detester(n.) One who detes//
Detesting(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Detest
Words within detestably