Delphin(a.) Alt. of Delphine
Delphin(n.) A fatty substance contained in the oil of the dolphin and the porpoise; -- called also phocenin.
Delphine(a.) Pertaining to the dolphin, a genus of fishes.
Delphine(a.) Pertaining to the dauphin of France; as, the Delphin classics, an edition of the Latin classics, prepared in the reign of Louis XIV., for the use of the dauphin (in usum Delphini).
Delphinic(a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, the larkspur; specifically, relating to the stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria).
Delphinic(n.) Pertaining to, or derived from, the dolphin; phocenic.

Words within delphinic