Decimal(a.) Of or pertaining to decimals; numbered or proceeding by tens; having a tenfold increase or decrease, each unit being ten times the unit next smaller; as, decimal notation; a decimal coinage.
Decimal(n.) A number expressed in the scale of tens; specifically, and almost exclusively, used as synonymous with a decimal fraction.
Decimalism(n.) The system of a decimal currency, decimal weights, measures, etc.
Decimalize(v. t.) To reduce to a decimal system; as, to decimalize the currency.
Decimally(adv.) By tens; by means of decimals.
Decimate(v. t.) To take the tenth part of; to tithe.
Decimate(v. t.) To select by lot and punish with death every tenth man of; as, to decimate a regiment as a punishment for mutiny.
Decimate(v. t.) To destroy a considerable part of; as, to decimate an army in battle; to decimate a people by disease.
Decimated(imp. & p. p.) of Decimate
Decimating(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Decimate
Decimation(n.) A tithing.
Decimation(n.) A selection of every tenth person by lot, as for punishment.
Decimation(n.) The destruction of any large proportion, as of people by pestilence or war.
Decimator(n.) One who decimates.
Decime(n.) A French coin, the tenth part of a franc, equal to about two cents.
Words within decimalism