Calcinable(a.) That may be calcined; as, a calcinable fossil.
Calcinate(v. i.) To calcine.
Calcination(n.) The act or process of disintegrating a substance, or rendering it friable by the action of heat, esp. by the expulsion of some volatile matter, as when carbonic and acid is expelled from carbonate of calcium in the burning of limestone in order to make lime.
Calcination(n.) The act or process of reducing a metal to an oxide or metallic calx; oxidation.
Calcine(v. i.) To reduce to a powder, or to a friable state, by the action of heat; to expel volatile matter from by means of heat, as carbonic acid from limestone, and thus (usually) to produce disintegration; as to, calcine bones.
Calcine(v. i.) To oxidize, as a metal by the action of heat; to reduce to a metallic calx.
Calcine(v. i.) To be converted into a powder or friable substance, or into a calx, by the action of heat.
Calciner(n.) One who, or that which, calcines.
Calcining(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Calcine

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