Assist(v. i.) To lend aid; to help.
Assist(v. i.) To be present as a spectator; as, to assist at a public meeting.
Assist(v. t.) To give support to in some undertaking or effort, or in time of distress; to help; to aid; to succor.
Assistance(n.) The act of assisting; help; aid; furtherance; succor; support.
Assistance(n.) An assistant or helper; a body of helpers.
Assistance(n.) Persons present.
Assistant(a.) Helping; lending aid or support; auxiliary.
Assistant(a.) Of the second grade in the staff of the army; as, an assistant surgeon.
Assistant(n.) One who, or that which, assists; a helper; an auxiliary; a means of help.
Assistant(n.) An attendant; one who is present.
Assistantly(adv.) In a manner to give aid.
Assisted(imp. & p. p.) of Assist
Assister(n.) An assistant; a helper.
Assistful(a.) Helpful.
Assisting(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Assist
Assistive(a.) Lending aid, helping.
Words within assistful